
Every department’s goal is to keep their communities, the public, and their officers safe.  The key to making this happen is with realistic and effective training. 

That’s exactly what VirTra does.

VirTra provides immersive simulators, multi-branching interactive scenarios, and real-world training tools to law enforcement in over 40 countries worldwide. 

With training situations that deal with everything from de-escalation and duty to intervene all the way to marksmanship and multi-incident active shooter drills, officers can practice verbal skills, de-escalation techniques, and increase their practical skills with tools they actually use in the field. 

VirTra simulators can use real firearms and less-lethal devices that officers deploy while on duty.  With no permanent modification required, officers can use their own service weapons and less-lethal for simulation training.  VirTra does not rely on bulky headsets that restrict vision and can cause VR sickness, minimizing the negative effects and training scars that some simulation training creates.  VirTra scenarios are filmed with real actors — not computer-generated characters — creating a more life-like interaction and bringing in the “human” factor that is necessary to effective and realistic training.

Agencies like FLETC, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and local, state, and federal police utilize VirTra’s simulation training with great success and measured positive results.

VirTra makes it easy to get started with initial and continued support on the operation of your department’s simulator.  There are several training grants available as well, and VirTra will even help guide you to see what assistance you might qualify for.

Realistic and effective training is absolutely necessary to protect not only the public but your officers as well.  Put your training budget to the best possible use with a VirTra simulator, and give your officers what they need to be safe.