Microcast Monday #48: Start Your Gratitude List Today

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. A big thank you to all the people who are keeping this country going. From truckers, healthcare workers, grocery store workers to first responders (sorry if I missed anyone). Thank you all for the great work you are doing and continuing to be on the front lines. We love you all!

If you love coffee, you are going to love the coffee and other great products from Four Sigmatic. I am a big fan of the Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee and I bet you will be too. And it doesn’t taste like mushrooms. It tastes like regular coffee and its better for you. Click here to get 15% OFF.

As you start your day and everyday, I want you to begin in gratitude. If you are then great, if you are not then begin starting your day with this powerful tool. You have much to be grateful for, even in this time of uncertainty. If you are a first responder, then you have a job when many people are losing theirs. You have your health and you have your family to name a few. 

Going forward, I want you to start a list every day of the people and things you are grateful for. You can make it a list of 3 or 5. Then next day I want you to make another list of 3-5 people or things you are grateful for. Before you know it, you will have a very large list of positive people and things in your life you are grateful for. I want you to look at the list before you go to bed and immediately when you wake up.

I am willing to bet if you start doing this you will be more happier and positive. And best of all you can share this with others.

Stay tuned for more great guests on the CJEvolution Podcast

Go out there and conquer you day. Be safe.

