Microcast Monday #83: Look Inside Yourself For Happiness

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started in your week. Thank you all for tuning in. That is why we are a top ranked show. Please share this show, and other episodes, with your family and friends. Subscribe to the show, and give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts. We sure would appreciate it. 

Sponsor: I want to tell you about my friends at Extra Duty Solutions who are helping Law Enforcement Agencies add efficiency and effectiveness to their extra duty programs while allowing them to focus on what really matters – the safety of their citizens. They work with law enforcement agencies and can help in areas such as: Client interaction, Officer Payments, Feedback, Problem Resolution and so much more. Their services are provided at NO COST to the agency and a minimal cost to the client. Check them out here and tell them Patrick from CJEvolution sent you.

I talk to a lot of people, and a lot of them tell me the same thing. They will be happy when………( fill in the blank ). I am here to tell you that no job, no circumstance and NO PERSON is in control of your happiness. YOU ARE IN CONTROL of your happiness. You control it all. If you want to be happy, look inside of yourself. 

There is an old saying, Success is the Key to Happiness. I believe it’s the opposite. Happiness is the key to success. Do you know many people that are bitter, pissed off and angry? I do…I am not saying you can’t be successful and still be an ass, but it’s not the norm. 

Remember you are special. You are unique. There is NO ONE in the universe like you. Lastly, remember you are LOVED. You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. 

Go out and conquer your Monday and your week. 

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