Microcast Monday #44: Stop living in the past and move forward into the future

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday.

Happy Monday. Yes, I said Happy Monday. Monday’s are days to be celebrated because you have many opportunities ahead of you, and its the start of a brand new week. Remember it’s all about the right mindset. Set the day off right by sending out that positive message to the universe.

If you still haven’t gotten my book EVOLVE it’s not too late. If you send me a message on social media or email me I will send you out a autographed copy of EVOLVE. If you would like an ebook version of this must have book, just click here. It’s FREE.

On to Microcast Monday

I was talking with a friend a few days ago and we were just talking about life. He then started to tell me he wished he hadn’t made some of the mistakes he had in the past, and he started coming down on himself pretty hard. If only he had done things differently he kept telling me.

We all wish we would have made different choices at some point, but we can’t live in the past.

Remember that your past isn’t as relevant as you think. If you are a person who lives in the past, you have to get over it. You are wasting precious energy and time over something that doesn’t matter anymore because it’s already done.

Today, I want you to do something.

1st – Think about the 3 biggest mistakes you have made.

2nd – What did you learn – Did deep. How were you made stronger?

3rd – What are the patterns you see? Are you falling into the same patterns? Then you have a good chance of making the same mistakes. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same things you have expecting a different result.

Remember to keep your head high, stop making the same mistakes you have and move forward. I would love to hear from you all. Reach out to me on social media or email me and I will respond to you.

Stay tuned for more great shows on The CJEvolution Podcast.

Special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Without you, we would not have this great country. Remember you are honored, cherished and loved.

