Microcast Monday #24: What are your limiting beliefs?

Hello everyone and welcome back to Mircrocast Monday! Remember its going to be a great day and a great week. Special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Thank you so much for what you do. Keep up the great work.

Remember the power of your mind. Your mindset is so important to your success and the ability to overcome obstacles in your life.

In this episode, I want to talk about your limiting beliefs. We all have them. In order to move forward in your life you need to understand your own beliefs and which beliefs are holding you back. If you believe your life will be hard, your mind will concentrate on this belief and search for the evidence to back it up. Remember mindset!

I want you to write down all your limiting beliefs. The beliefs that stop you from moving forward. Here is an example: ” I am a bad driver”. Why do you believe this? Does your partner tell you this? Someone else. As you can see once you start questioning your limiting beliefs you will start to create doubt which will lead you to changing your beliefs.

To change your limiting beliefs, question and challenge the evidence that backs up this belief. Our mind never sets out wanting you to have a hard life. Limiting beliefs are often formed by your unconscious mind to protect you in some way: your limiting belief may have been adapted through past experiences, repetitive negative comments (from yourself and others) or your environment. Your mind rather than have you repeat this past distressful experience will allow you to believe it’s not worth putting yourself through it again.

Take the time and write down the beliefs that are holding you back and update them. This will give you new opportunities you never thought were possible.

If you have any questions or if you would like to inquire about my personal coaching please reach out to me at admin@cjevolution.com

Stay tuned for more great episodes.


