[Preview] Retired Police Commander: Sometimes life sucks. Are you going to throw in the towel or fight back?

Law Enforcement Today | Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast

Are you done yet?

You have a problem. You are ignoring your problem. Why are you doing this? Do you think things will get better on their own?

They never do. Instead, you hang out with the same negative people, have the same crappy relationships, and drown yourself in alcohol and other mind-altering substances to take away your pain and reality.

How long do you think you can sustain this path? Reality check – It doesn’t last.

You might be thinking I am young. I have verve. I am the best at what I do.

That might be the case but let me let you in on a little secret my friend. There is always someone younger, more verve and determined than you, and yes that person is better than you in many different aspects. But they are not you.

Read the full article over at Law Enforcement Today.

