Time to Conduct a Search Warrant – On Yourself!

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Top Ranked CJEvolution Podcast. This show is top-ranked because of YOU, the listener and supporter. Please continue to share with your family and friends, and give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts. 

I am so proud of you for serving and protecting your community. It is a very difficult environment, but you go out every day and do what you do. Remember that you are honored, cherished, and loved. Please be safe and continue your great work. 

As a law enforcement professional you are constantly being presented with various forms of identification. What if you could check that identification for authenticity? Now you can with SureScan Age ID. I am so excited to be partnered with Mark Baxter and his company SureScan. Contact SureScan for a free demo at www.surescan.us/cjevolution

Feel overwhelmed? Are you abusing alcohol or drugs? FHE – Health and The Shatterproof Program for First Responders are here to help you. Getting YOU the treatment you deserve is our primary mission. Please reach out today at 844-650-1399 or me directly at 303-960-9819. All calls are confidential. 


Everyone is talking about resiliency which is good, but do YOU know what resiliency really is? Are you resilient? Because I thought I was too. I thought because I was a police officer I could handle anything life threw at me and I did. Until I couldn’t anymore. As humans, we aren’t designed to see the trauma that we see on a daily basis. Think of a suitcase that you are packing. Sooner or later you won’t be able to close that suitcase and items will start falling out. That is what happened to me, and sooner or later it can happen to you. The items I couldn’t pack away started to manifest into bad habits and addictions. 

Do an internal search warrant on yourself. Are you really as good as you say you are? A big part of resiliency is getting up and moving forward after a knockdown. However, many of us don’t. We linger there. We let that one incident define us. 

Remember you are more resilient than you know. There is nothing life can throw at you that you can’t handle and work through with the right team such as The Shatterproof Program.

Please take care of yourself and for once put yourself first.

Go out and conquer your day and your life. 

Stay tuned for more great guests on The CJEvolution Podcast



