Microcast Monday #82: Be Positive. You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast – Microcast MondaySmall doses of inspiration and motivation to get you started on the right path to your week. 

Thank you all for the continued support. This is why this show is a TOP RANKED PODCAST. Because of YOU! Please continue to share with your family and friends, and please give us that 5-Star Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts. 

A special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Thank you all for what you do, and remember you all are cherished, honored and loved. Keep up the great work. 

Sponsor: Check out the great products from Four Sigmatic. I am a big fan of this coffee company and I bet you will be too. I love the Lions Mane Mushroom Coffee. It gives me the energy and clarity that I need during my busy days. Get 15% off your purchases using the promo code CJEVO. 

People often ask how do I stay so positive and upbeat. My answer? I don’t. I have my days where I feel the opposite of upbeat and positive. Most people do. But, the majority of my days I feel great. I feel positive and optimistic for my future. And SO SHOULD YOU. Why? Because what is the alternative? Staying pissed off and negative? That is NO WAY to live your life and you have so much to be grateful for. 

Remember you are in the place in your life because of your actions and YOUR THOUGHTS. Believe it or not, you are exactly where you need to be. 

You can’t control some things in your life, but you can control how you REACT to situations and events. You can control YOUR FEELINGS and YOU CAN control your thoughts. 

Start feeling more positive. Everything always works out for the best. Go out and conquer your day and week. 

Also – Get a free ebook copy of my book EVOLVE. If you would like a physical copy, autographed by me, reach out to me on my website, I would love to hear from you.

Stay safe.

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