Ep. 331: Andy Harvey: Retired Police Chief, Author & Motivational Speaker

Hello everyone and welcome back to the show.

This episode is a must listen for any law enforcement professional… Andy Harvey is in the house.

andy harvey police

Andy is a motivational speaker and a law enforcement trainer. Andy retired as The Chief of Police in Palestine, Texas and has over 23 years of experience in an urban and racially diverse community.

With leadership experience covering Military and Law Enforcement careers, his assignments have included investigations, community policing, patrol, and media relations. Andy also worked for many years in the Dallas Police Department. As a DPD’s Media Relations Commander, he created the First Watch web video series in both English and Spanish, as well as championing, and creating, DPD social media services.

Interviewed on local, national, and international news programs in English and Spanish – his first language – has given Andy the ability to reach out and speak directly to our ever-growing Latino communities.

Andy’s leadership philosophy sees effective policing today requiring courageous and collaborative leaders at every level of an organization.  In focus, it is imperative that officers are called upon to think outside of their squad car, considering the impact their actions may have on the police department, their local community, and the profession of policing in general.

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Special thanks to our sponsor Detectachem. This great company is helping keep our brave men and women safe by officering mobile threat detection for the palm of your hand. Detecting illicit drugs and explosives.

