Microcast Monday #147 – Start Letting GO

Microcast Monday Start Letting Go | CJEvolution Podcast

Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. Short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started on your week. Please share this episode and others with friends and family and give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts.

A big Thank You to YOU. The first responder and criminal justice professional. There is a lot of negativity out there towards law enforcement but remember that the vast majority support you. Please be strong, and be safe.

If you are struggling with addiction, mental health challenges, or both, please reach out. My life changed for the better when I took that step forward. I am so grateful for FHE Health and The Shatterproof Program for First Responders. Reach out at 844-650-1399 or contact me directly at 303-960- 9819.  https://fherehab.com/services/first-responders/

Check out my Criminal Justice Evolution YouTube Channel at:


Today, I want you to write down all of your fears and worries. I then want to write down what you are doing to mitigate those fears and worries. It might seem like a simple task, but I really want you to put some thought into this. Remember the majority of crap we worry about and fear 1) Never comes to pass and 2) Is not as bad as we envisioned it in our minds. 

I am not trying to downplay your worries and fears. Those are legitimate. Bad things happen. We all know this. I am just trying to convey that what you give energy to grows. If you learn to let go and let things happen then you won’t have that burden in your mind. This is very difficult and I still work on this every day, but you can hold both spaces. Just focus your energy in a more positive direction and outcome. 

You can do it. But like anything it requires work. 

Thank you for what you are doing in the world and for being you. Remember you are loved. Let go and blossom into the person you were meant to be.

Go out and conquer your day.

Stay tuned for more great episodes on The CJEvolution Podcast



